I love this sweater and I’m still kinda shocked that I made it.

This is the Lodge pattern by Ozetta. The yarn is Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in the color “Woodsmoke.” It’s very similar to my first worsted weight sweater, but this one I knit English style and my gauge is much more consistent.

I cast on on a flight home and had nearly half the body knit by the end of the trip. I only brought two cakes with me, so I had to stop working on it near the sleeve split.

Once I was reunited with the rest of the yarn, knitting the front and back panels went quickly. I was able to seam the shoulders together without throwing in lifelines, which felt like a huge accomplishment!

Visualizing knitting instructions has been the best way for me to learn. I wish more patterns included visuals, or even just more descriptions. It really does feel like learning a language. Ozetta is really good at responding to Instagram DMs though!

The I-cord cast off took a REALLY long time.

The slipt hem ribbing is so nice. The pattern’s sample photos really hide this detail and I was surprised and delighted to see them take shape.

I’m almost at a year of knitting! Last year, I assumed I’d try and give up again, but my wonderful knitting genius cousin, has been so helpful and such a big motivator! Thanks, Kristin!
What a beautiful sweater. Thank you for sharing . I absolutely adore the color and the pattern.. You should be so very proud of yourself…Bravo
This is a GORGEOUS sweater. As a beginner knitter, who is also a too-tight knitter, I love seeing what you’ve made. It’s very inspiring! And you choose lovely colors. Thanks!