Nanaimo Cardigan | Good Night, Day


I did it. I knit something I like and will wear! And best of all, I actually want to cast on another project asap.

If you read my last post about knitting, you know it’s a practice I’ve struggled to find a groove with. Knitting patterns are so bare bones, but I’m starting to understand the lingo. I’ve also said to hell with small projects like hats and scarves.

PATTERN: Nanaimo cardigan by Good Night, Day


YARN: Crazy Sexy Wool from Wool and the Gang in Cosmic Navy. I bought 5 skeins and used exactly 4. I’m pretty sure I knit TIGHT. Nope, I didn’t test gauge.

Before adding the waste yarn, I had to rip back two rows because my stitch count was off by one. My cousin helped me figure out that I had missed an M1 somewhere, so I pulled out the needles and carefully pulled out the rows. Once everything was back on my circulars, it was pretty cool to be able see that I’d put some stitches on the wrong way. I felt like a real knitter! A knitter who can see AND fix problems!

Once I finished the increases, I was able to try it on. This is my first top down project and I really liked being able to test the fit midway through.

Picking up stitches at the armpit ended up not being as difficult as I thought it would be (I had virtual help for the first one) and the sleeves knitted up so fast in the round. I did need quite a few more rows than the pattern called for in order for the sleeve to measure the right length. Probably because I knit tight?

The cuffs were a little difficult since I was using 20″ circulars. I have since learned about the “magic loop” technique and I can’t wait to try it out. I did more of a frustrating stretched blob technique that I don’t recommend.

This was such a satisfying project and it took under a month to make. I think this practice will be good physical therapy for my wrist too.

I know chunky yarn isn’t what “seasoned knitters” like to use but I dig it. I’ve worn this thing every day since I finished. I haven’t blocked it yet, whoops!

I LOVE Good Night, Day’s aesthetic and style. I’m planning to make the Strathcona and Trefann sweaters next.

Before I even cast off this project, I bought more yarn, more patterns, an interchangeable circulars set, some cute stitch markers, and a row counter. I guess I’m hooked.

12 Replies to “Nanaimo Cardigan | Good Night, Day”

  1. Hi! I found your post because I’m stuck at the sleeves on my GND sweater (Trefann) and I started googling for help. LOL Your sweater looks amazing and I’m really hoping I can figure out the sleeves because I feel like if I can master this, it will open up a whole new world of knitting for me.

      1. Yeah, I’m kind of clueless about how to pick up stitches for the sleeves. I’ve been watching a bunch of YT videos but it still seems complicated. Thanks for the link to the GND tutorials. I’ll re-watch them and hopefully between hers and YT I’ll figure it out. Thanks again!

        1. I know how you feel. The sweater won’t come apart at the armscye (if you keep the waste yarn in) so if you muck up the sleeve, all you have to do is unravel it. Your previous work is safe, so I say just go for it – I bet it’ll work out! And it’s in the armpit so who cares!

          1. I wanted to come back and thank you for your help and let you know that I finished my Trefann a few weeks ago. The 1st sleeve was a bit wonky but I just ripped it back (thanks to your suggestion re: keeping the lifeline) and both sleeves ended up looking just fine. Thanks again for your help!

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