Last week in making.


In an attempt to be productive while dissociating, I am prioritizing daily creative acts. And I’m going to try to document some of it too. Last week felt especially creative, so here’s what I did.

Fine Things Community Pottery Studio

I joined a brand new studio and successfully threw two pots! I feel really nervous not having the traditional support of a class, but I’m excited to explore some ideas outside of the scope of local classes. Here are the things I’m planning to work on:

  • Nerikomi patterned pieces (this technique excites me so much)
  • Tiles for my fireplace renovation
  • Chess set for my husband
  • Hand-built plates using MDF forms I eventually make
  • A tabletop lamp?

Painting Workshop

I attended a really lovely painting workshop taught by Allie Yacina at Happy Anyway. I am obsessed with sketchbook artwork and Allie has an incredible practice, some of which is currently on display at the shop. The morning consisted of creating color swatches using a primary palette, thumbnail sketches of a still life, and then a final painting. I left so inspired, I spent way too much money at the art store. Acrylic gouache is a fun medium and I learned just how creamy Caran d’Ache pencils are.

Cast on a New Sweater

In additional to just starting the Port Jacket, I learned the Portuguese knitting style. I wanted to try this method out because I read it can reduce hand pain and give you better purling tension. I’m not getting amazing results doing German short rows with this knitting style, but I’m hopeful it’ll get better with practice.

Shirt Sewing + A Weird New Shelf

And lastly, I made a lot of progress on this button up. All that’s left are the cuffs and buttonholes. I also bought and installed this so-hideous-it’s-kinda-cute towel rack that I’ve had my eyes on for months. I wanted something on the wall here where I could hang works in progress and in-use patterns. I also moved my small “design board” over to this wall too. It’s way easier to access now that it’s not behind a table. You can see I have quite a few outerwear projects planned!

4 Replies to “Last week in making.”

  1. Hi, Sienna:

    I found your blog while searching for information about sewing the Clyde jumpsuit. I have the free pattern but not the instructions. They are only available on SCRID, which I am avoiding because it’s a scam. I’d like to use your instructions slideshow but it’s not in a format I can copy. I hope you can help!


  2. Painting, pottery and Portuguese knitting, oh my! Definitely craftastic. And I’m here with ya in the dissociating world. In my basement, sewing up a dress.

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